Other official information and services: www.belgium.be
The indicator QS-1 Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections has been updated.
In February 2024, the HSPA part of this website was updated based on the fifth report assessing the performance of the Belgian health system. This new evaluation was done across six dimensions (quality, accessibility, sustainability, efficiency, equity, and resilience) and four domains of care (preventive care, mental health care, care for older people, and end-of-life care). The domains of mother and new-born care and care for people living with a chronic condition remain based on the 2019 and 2022 reports, respectively.
The HSPA report 2024 is also available on the KCE website:
Performance of the Belgian health system: Report 2024
In June 2021, an intermediate report assessing the sustainability of the Belgian healthcare system by means of projections was published. The full report is available on the KCE website: Performance of the Belgian healthcare system - Projections.
Three new indicators have been added:
S-18: Projection of the number of contacts with GPs (Demand)
S-19: Projection of the number of GPs active in the healthcare sector (Supply)
S-20: Projection of public expenditure on health (% GDP)
A new conceptual framework has been developed to assess the performance of the Belgian health system.
More details on this new framework, visit the KCE website.
Results on health system performance assessment of care for people living with chronic conditions have been recently published on:
The analysis was based on the evaluation of 27 indicators, among them 8 are new.
Two new indicators on equity have been published:
An add-on on Equity has been published on December 2020. The full report is available on the KCE website: Health System Performance Assessment - How equitable is the Belgian health system?
The following 6 indicators were updated:
A new indicator on "Geographical accessibility of maternity services (A-16)" is published; the indicator "Patient-to-nurse ratio (A-8)" is also updated.