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Various crisis units were set up to operationalise the crisis management:

  • The Operational unit is coordinated by the National Crisis Center (NCCN). This unit is responsible for alerting the various crisis units, monitors their operations and also has the objective of facilitating the flow of information between the various authorities involved.


  • The Socio-economic unit provides advice on the socio-economic impact of the measures taken or to be taken.


  • The ‘Economic Risk Management Group’ (ERMG) is responsible for managing the economic and macro-economic risks relating to the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Belgium.


  • The Information unit (INFOCEL) is co-chaired by the FPS-HSFCE and the NCCN. This unit is responsible for consistent communication to the public with regard to the pandemic.


  • The Legal units are responsible for drafting legal texts and answers to numerous legal questions raised in the context of this complex crisis management.


  • The International unit is responsible for a smooth flow of information between the equivalent authorities on crisis management within Europe.


  • In addition, various task forces were set up on specific topics (e.g. regarding testing, vaccination, personal protective equipment, data (e.g. data technology against coronavirus) to fight the pandemic.