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With each new COVID-19 wave, the need to provide sufficient testing capacity in order to be able to take the necessary measures in due time increased. For this reason, it was decided to exceptionally authorise persons to carry out tests in order to be able to diagnose cases of COVID-19.[1]Once again, this could only take place under strict conditions. For instance, the persons concerned had to have a specific diploma and follow additional training. Furthermore, the acts had to be entrusted by a doctor or pharmacist specialised in clinical biology, and take place under their supervision.

This measure made it possible to employ more people in the laboratories. This way, the exceptionally high need for analyses during the COVID-19 pandemic could be met.

[1]Royal Decree of 21 September 2021 by which persons who are not legally authorised to practice medicine are granted permission, in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, to carry out certain laboratory tests