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Emergency medical assistance is designed to help people who are at home, on the public road or in a public place and whose condition requires urgent, unplanned care as a result of an accident or illness. 

The FPS Home Affairs (FPS HA) is responsible for the organisation and management of the 112 emergency centres. The emergency centre in the Brussels-Capital Region is an exception to this and is operated by the Firefighting and Emergency Medical Assistance service of the Brussels-Capital Region[1]. The FPS Public Health takes over responsibility from this service the moment an operator dispatches a medical resource to the victim. The medical resource may be a Paramedical Intervention Team (PIT), a Mobile Emergency Group (MUG/SMUR) or an ambulance. The FPS Public Health is therefore responsible for organising, maintaining and financing the various medical resources used by a victim.





Find out more
Emergency Medical Services Act


[1]The Firefighting and Emergency Medical Assistance Service of the Brussels-Capital Region works under the authority of the Minister or State Secretary of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region which is responsible for firefighting and emergency medical assistance.