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Belgian Medical Regulation Manual

The Belgian Medical Regulation Manual (BMRM) is a guide for operators at the 112 emergency centre. The severity level of the caller’s situation is determined with the aid of flow charts specifically drawn up for each medical protocol. Based on the severity level, the most appropriate resource is then chosen (MUG/SMUR, PIT, ambulance, on-call station or general practitioner).

To find out more about the Belgian Medical Regulation Manual:


Standing orders

The actions that the paramedic is permitted perform have been regulated by law. Based on this, the Federal Council for Emergency Medical Assistance worked on a national standing order template where specific examples of procedures are given. The bundle of standing orders gives the paramedic a helping hand when they need to carry out the actions assigned them.

For example: The bundle describes the care that a paramedic may perform for a patient who has suffered thermal, electrical or chemical burns. Here, they may measure respiratory rate and blood pressure, undress the patient and cool burns, among other things.


The standing orders also focus on working with the PIT nurse and/or the MUG/SMUR doctor.

To find out more about the standing orders for paramedics:

The nurse who is part of a PIT also works in accordance with standing orders that have been agreed upon with a doctor. These actions appear in the list of technical provisions drawn up by the Technical Commission for Nursing, known as B1, B2 and C actions.[1]

[1]More information about these specific actions can be found here.