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Key figures

Main prescribers: 10620 - Specialists in pneumology 59.37%
% of insured consumers 0.33%
Median age 65 years
Max/min ratio of the median age (by district) 1.15
Percentage of women 51.80%
Ratio Preferential scheme/General scheme 1.80
Coefficient of variation (2023) 24.60
Max/min ratio of % of insured consumers (by district) 2.46
Annual consumption (DDD) 1,327,604
Consumption of DDD (per 100,000 insured persons) 11,523.83
% DDD issued outside the insurance (approximate) 12.39%
Average annual consumption per insured consumer (DDD) 34.73
% of insured consumers with > 3 times the average consumption 7,05%
Coefficient of variation 2013-2015 29.32
Coefficient of variation 2021-2023 31.59
Trend 2013-2023 2.88%
Trend 2013-2021 1.46%
Trend 2021-2023 8.76%
Annual expenditure charged to the insurance 2,044,351 €
Average annual expenditure per insured person 0.18
Average patient share per insured consumer 22.70%
Max/min ratio of expenditure per insured person (by disctrict) 3.85
% “Low-cost” medication 78.60%
Trend 2013-2023 0.13%
Trend 2021-2023 -7.43%

On this table, when a statistical test has been performed, the data showing a significant difference is displayed on a yellow background, otherwise on a grey background.

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