‘Unwarranted variations’ are any unjustified variations in the provision of healthcare. An ‘unjustified variation’ means a non-random variation, resulting from the provision of insufficient or excessive services. These variations therefore indicate a possible inequitable access to evidence-based medicine, which should be available to all insured persons in the light of their needs, and point to potential inefficiencies in the healthcare system.
- international comparison
- by gender
- by age group
- geographical (by region, province and arrondissement, in Belgium)
- by social status (according to the reimbursement regime)
- by category of care (hospitalisation or one-day hospital visit and out-patient)
- by trend in rate of use
- by technique used
In addition to the possibility of suggesting topics for analysis, it is also possible to interact with us on each analysis which is already carried out. You can either comment on the choice of selected data or even provide elements of interpretation according to your experience. These data are in fact deliberately provided here without any interpretative element in order to allow for these interactions.