1. Key messages
- The prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders and of suicidal thoughts differs by socio-economic group, with a higher prevalence among people in the lowest than in the highest socio-economic level.
- In 2018, socio-economic inequalities in mental health conditions were larger than for the physical health conditions with relative differences around 2.
- When looking at the evolution, absolute inequalities in anxiety and depressive disorders have strongly increased between 2008 and 2013, and stayed stable at a higher level between 2013 and 2018, which is a disappointing evolution. Between 2013 and 2018, the relative inequalities in depressive disorders have also worsened.
2. Background
Beside the prevalence of mental health conditions by socio-economic level, we also calculated the magnitude of the inequalities by computing inequality indices, we considered :
- the absolute and relative differences in age-adjusted prevalence rates between the lowest and the highest ELs,
- the Population Attributable Fraction (PAF), i.e. the percentage of gain in health expected in the whole population if all groups experienced the health of the most educated group.
3. Results
Situation in 2018
In 2018, absolute inequalities in mental health conditions were larger than for physical conditions, ranging from 9.8 percentage points (ppt) for depressive disorders to 3.5 ppt for suicidal thoughts.
Relative inequalities in mental health conditions were particularly high. The lowest EL group included 2.5 times more people with depressive disorders, 2.0 times more people having suicidal thoughts, and 1.8 times more people experiencing anxiety disorders than the highest EL group. If all groups had the same proportion of people with mental health conditions as the highest EL group, then the prevalence of depressive disorders in the whole population would be reduced by 30%, anxiety disorders by 24%, and suicidal thoughts by 20%.
Socio-economic inequalities in mental health conditions, people aged 15 years and over, Health Interview Survey, Belgium, 2018
Source: Own calculation based on Health Interview Survey [10]
* statistically different from 0% for absolute difference and PAF, and statistically different from 1 for the relative difference (p<0.05)
Age-adjusted prevalence rate low EL | Age-adjusted prevalence rate high EL | Absolute difference |
Relative difference | PAF | |
Depressive disorders in the last two weeks (% people ≥ 15) | 16.2% | 6.4% | 9.8%* | 2.5* | 30.2%* |
Anxiety disorders in the last two weeks (% people ≥ 15) | 15.3% | 8.4% | 6.9%* | 1.8* | 23.8%* |
Suicidal thoughts in the last twelve months (% people ≥ 18) | 6.9% | 3.4% | 3.5%* | 2.0* | 19.9%* |
- The age-adjusted prevalence has increased in all ELs from 2008 to 2018.
- The absolute inequalities have increased between 2008 and 2013 then stayed stable.
- The relative inequalities have slightly and non-significantly decreased from 2004 to 2018.
- The age-adjusted prevalence has increased in all ELs from 2004 to 2013 and then decreased in 2018.
- The absolute inequalities have increased between 2008 and 2013 then stayed stable.
- The relative inequalities have decreased from 2004 to 2013 then increased in 2018. This can be attributed to a smaller proportional decrease of the prevalence of depressive disorders in the low than in the high EL.
- Anxiety disorders
- Depressive disorders
- Suicidal thoughts
Prevalence of anxiety disorders in the last 2 weeks (based on the GAD-7 scale) among people aged 15 and over by educational level, 1997-2018, Belgium
Source: Own calculation based on Health Interview Survey, Sciensano [10]
Prevalence of depressive disorders in the last 2 weeks (based on the PHQ-9 scale) among people aged 15 and over by educational level, 1997-2018, Belgium
Source: Own calculation based on Health Interview Survey, Sciensano [10]
Prevalence of suicidal thoughts in the last twelve months among people aged 18 and over by educational level, 2008-2018, Belgium
Source: Own calculation based on Health Interview Survey, Sciensano [10]
- Absolute difference
- Relative difference
Absolute differences in anxiety and depressive disorders among low-versus-high EL groups, Belgium, 1997-2018
Source: Own calculation based on Health Interview Survey, Sciensano [10]
Relative differences in anxiety and depressive disorders among low-versus-high EL groups, Belgium, 1997-2018
Source: Own calculation based on Health Interview Survey, Sciensano [10]
PAF in anxiety and depressive disorders, Belgium, 1997-2018
Source: Own calculation based on Health Interview Survey, Sciensano [10]
4. Read more
View the metadata for this indicator
HISIA: Interactive Analysis of the Belgian Health Interview Survey
- Percentage-point
- The Percentage-point (ppt) is the arithmetic difference between two percentages, for instance with 16% in group A and 8% in group B, the difference is 8 ppt, corresponding to a relative excess of 100%.
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Please cite this page as: Sciensano. Health Inequalities: Inequalities in mental health, Health Status Report, 14 Feb 2022, Brussels, Belgium, https://www.healthybelgium.be/en/health-status/health-inequalities/inequalities-in-mental-health